18 AUG 2014
Enrichment Ideas for Small Furries
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Hamsters | Pet Care | Rats and Mice
A lot of importance is placed on the diets we feed our pets and the homes we provide for them. In fact, sometimes it seems like that’s all the information that we have on our small furries. Of course, that’s hardly the case. If you’ve got a small furry (from a hamster to a rabbit), consider these ideas to entertain and enrich the lives of your pets. Hamsters – These are some of the smallest pets you’ll find, and they’re also some of the easiest to provide enriching activities for. That’s because they’ll play with just about anything they can get their tiny hands on. Unfortunately, they will want to do most of their playing while you are asleep, so the best time to interact with these pets is just before you go to bed (that’s breakfast time for your small furries). This is the perfect time to watch your pets scamper around in hamster balls; they’ll enjoy it just as much as you. And, once you do head off to bed, you.. [More] chinchillaplaying.jpg
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